Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Embarrassing Sex Essay

--  The trouble with 'devotees to the dead' is that sex, the very act, is an intellectual embarrassment. So: The act of sex that is a gender to gender coupling that could not result in offspring is most embarrassing. What a goofy waste of sex as to not try to give birth to another person that would hang on your every word until that person is in their teens when they will hang you for your every word. Embarrassing.

 The "wholly babble" is full of stories that justify a man as king whom may have several "wives" or just owns a number of women for whom he has traded livestock. The point of this "sex union trade agreement" is for the rich guy to make a lot of offspring to dominate in the region he lives in. If your country has the most men to build an army you are more likely to win wars. If a family name is everywhere they control decisions made in that region. The fastest way to control the region would be to have several women bearing your offspring at once. How does the religious doctrine of fewer wives per man promulgate  control over a region? Seems to be a fundamental flaw in the doctrine. It may be a man being controlled by several women at once is most embarrassing. If you have two women together and no man and these women can guide themselves and take care of themselves, well, how embarrassing.  How does a dogma driven religious cult push back against such an embarrassing situation as same gender union sovereignty? 1. Take away that groups rights. 2. Make being them as difficult to live well as possible. 3.  Make specious claims against their ability to raise children in a religious country that does not accept their irresponsible and immature behavior. These three wise bents should discourage the behavior same gender unionists have chosen and they will repent for being sinners and in turn give up 10% of their earnings to the fundamentally flawed church of their choice.

 If you want to control a region in these times you must control the money. To control monies you must sell something. The first x-tians were persecuted so they pushed back with organized murder justified via doctrine and dogma. By adding this fear along with a threat against ones unproven-to-exist afterlife and you've got yourself a hard sell teqnuqie every used car salesman would have loved to incorporate on their lot. 

 The religious x-tians must first break down those immature enough to have chosen a same gender union by taking away rights they themselves benefit from. The religious must then come out after claiming same gender unionists are being immature and say that they love the gays and straights equally. This of course does not mean they have any intention of treating them equally for they have not and will not. There is an attack on same gender unions coming from the religious because of the embarrassing act of a blasphemous waste of sex for such union can't produce offspring. The parameters of their adult game play dictate that there be offspring for the x-tians feel the need to control the region. X-tians claim a moral high ground that these attacks simply cannot support. If one sprinkles in the threat of torture for an eternity and oppress by taking rights away in the present:  that ought cause a submission of the same gender unionists who live unnaturally for it is immature for them to live as they were born. 

 The act of oppressing a group of people is bigotry and is an intellectual embarrassment to civil human kind. To brag one is maintaining a child-like mind and selfishly act out in like mind against a group of people is an intellectual embarrassment to civil human kind. I find that in myself it would be much more embarrassing to be a bigot then to have sex. 

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